Hey everyone! If you’re as excited about quirky, eclectic collections as I am, you’re going to love this. I recently visited the Mount Pleasant Furniture (MPF), a treasure trove of over one million vintage and antique objects. This family-owned business has been a staple for the film, TV, and theatre communities for decades. It’s a labyrinth of two multi-level buildings filled to the brim with everything from Chinese vases to mid-century modern furniture. Here’s a fun recap of my adventure and the exciting exhibit happening there!

  • Event: The Prop House: A Collection of One Million Objects
  • Dates: May 17 – August 5, 2024
  • Location: Mount Pleasant Furniture, Vancouver

Imagine walking into a wonderland where every turn reveals a new hidden gem. From Victorian-era trinkets to retro radios and telephones, MPF has it all. The collection is organized by geographic region and era, creating a rich tapestry of history and culture. It’s not just about the objects themselves but the stories they carry, having appeared in countless film and theatre productions over the years.

Seven talented Vancouver-based artists have delved into this vast collection to create unique, thought-provoking works. Here’s what they’re up to:

The curators, Lisa Baldissera and Paul Wong, have their own creative contributions.

Lisa’s work reflects on the slippage of memory through objects and text, while Paul pays homage to the Emmy-winning production designer Graeme Murray from The X Files in an offsite project.


Jay’s piece parodies commercially successful artworks and encourages the audience to absorb the contrast between “play and disaster”

Graeme Murray’s installation reflects his suceess in the TV & film industry. This specific emmywas awarded for his work in X-files for an episode in 1998 titled “The post-mordern Prometheus”

Germaine Koh’s interactive installation; as you can see below, through the use of an assortment of flickering lamps transmits their energy and gives the objects a visible medium through which they can project their stories


This exhibition is not just about objects; it’s about celebrating the stories, memories, and histories they hold. Whether you’re a history buff, a film enthusiast, or just someone who loves exploring unique collections, this is a must-visit. And with the backdrop of Vancouver’s evolving cultural landscape, it’s a poignant reminder of the impacts of development and gentrification on our city’s art and culture sectors.

Final Journey of the Objects

This is your chance to see these amazing items before MPF’s lease ends. It’s a bittersweet moment, highlighting the impact of gentrification on Vancouver’s art scene.

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